My oh my! Where did the past four years, eight months and thirteen days disappear to? My one and only nephew started his first day of kindergarten today at Murrieta Elementary School. It was somewhat bittersweet as is any first day of school, but this day was one I had actually been dreading since the day he was born. When Ethan was brought into this world in October of 2003 I said to my sister that we were going to feel so old when he has his first day of school. I know it doesn’t seem that bad, I mean he’s not even five but it seems to be that time has swept by so fast; today kindergarten, tomorrow college. I know some of you are probably thinking that I am crazy especially since he is just my nephew, but Ethan is my bub, my buddy and my heart. I had been planning on being there with my sister but then I had to work, luckily, I had to go to the doctor’s today in Beverly Hills so I was able to make it and I am so glad that I did. I will never forget the moment and I am thankful that my Sister has allowed me to be involved in every aspect of their lives thus far. My heart melted today when Makayla cried because she was so sad that she couldn’t be with her older brother as he embarked on this new journey alone. Overall, today was a great day despite all the tears that have been shed. In the end there will always be many tears shed as any child embarks on the journey that we call life.
At my Sister’s house before we left for school.
Welcome to Kindergarten! Class of 2021
This is being framed! So grown-up!
Sissy sad that she couldn’t go with her big brother. They are fourteen months a part but will be two years a part in school. 🙁
I can’t believe how grown up Ethan is! WOW! Jaden goes to Murrieta also…too bad he’s in 3rd grade! Mo started pre-school yesterday too! I know what you mean about time flying by. The pics are adorable! xoxo