So, I have to admit that I have not had it in me to blog. It’s not like I haven’t had plenty of things to write about, but just the thought of having my hot laptop on my lap just hasn’t seemed appealing. But here’s a recap of what we have been up to:
Jim and I kept up with our “Skinny Bitch” diet and frankly, we are in dire need of it to reconvene! I celebrated by birthday on the twenty-second of June with family and friends and then six days later we headed to Vegas with our dear friends and then stayed two extra days to celebrate our one-year anniversary, which was amazing! It’s crazy how fast one year has gone by. When we got back from Vegas we were right back into the grind and have been keeping very busy re-planting our front planter and trying out some new recipes! As for my health update, I am headed back to the doctor next week for a fourth round of ultrasounds. About halfway through June my doctor placed me on hormone therapy as a last chance result before surgery. So, with fingers crossed I will hopefully receive positive news the first week of August when I go back to the OB/GYN. It has been mentally and physically challenging for me to get through this but my family and friends have been very supporting (plus making fun of me for my “hot flashes”). I will keep everyone posted on my update as soon as I know. Another fun summer activity that I have gotten back into is bowling. As many of you know, I started bowling at the age of seven and actively stayed involved until the age of twenty-one when you are technically no longer considered a “junior” bowler. Last Monday, my work bowled in “Operation Homefront“, it was so much fun and triggered my lost passion. Nerdy I know. Well, Jim and I went bowling again on Saturday and had a blast. It was like I never stopped and I still had all my moves. . .ha ha. What this all boils down to, is that I am considering joining a league and getting involved again in tournaments, just like the old days! Okay, I am rambling but it’s been a while. Below are a few pictures from the past month. I promise new recipes will be on the way. . .
Oggi’s “Brew-Stars” Bowling Team
Jeneane, Jen, Elise, Me and Vanessa in Vegas: Lewd Act ’08
My Twenty-Sixth Birthday; Starting it out right with shots all around!
Jen’s Twenty-Seventh Birthday Celebration at Le Creperie
The Crew at TAO beach
Oggi’s Management; a Day in the Box
After the game we headed to the “Fleetwood” where we met up with Charger’s players, Kris Dielman and Nick Hardwick (and the Padre’s Brian Giles).
Jim and I at the Palazzo
Toby Keith Concert. I met up with an old friend from High School at the Kenny Chesney concert so we went Toby Keith’s style of Bigger and Badder and had front and center tickets!
I ♥ Country Concerts!
yay for bowling! bowling is sooooo fun! you gotta get a pretty ball! something with sparkles! also, congrats on year 1! its seems not long ago you guys got engaged. jim was so nervous. it was so cute. congrats guys!