How do you express in words the feelings that one experiences during the birth of a child? For me, I have been through three. . .and not my own! My sister has three beautfiul babies; Ethan 4, Makayla 3, and Madelyn 1. I was involved throughout every step; doctor’s visits, cravings, mood swings, sonograms, and being lucky enough to be in the room when they entered this world. The reason why I am on this subject is because my dear friend Cassie just flew home a week ago to be a part of her first nieces birth. After being six days past her due date Chloeigh finally came into this world via C-section as she was face down. Cassie wrote me today expressing the feelings that overwhelmed her while in the waiting room and being with her sister throughout every step. It got me thinking about my sister and how proud I am of her and how strong she has been. My youngest niece Maddie just turned one on Monday and it reminded me how one-year ago I was going through the same emotions as Cassie but, seven years ago I was mourning my Grandmother’s passing. I guess you forget the intial feelings as the kids get older and you focus on newer, exciting things. Having Cassie share her new emotions rekindled some of mine, and made me realize that the reason why I smile at my nieces and nephew the way I do is because I will never forget the day they changed my life; the day they were born and the way they call me “auntie”.
Makayla Katherine Barr
December 18, 2005

Madelyn Jean Jameson
March 31, 2007
This day is so special to our family because my Grandmother passed away on March 31, 2001 at the age of ninety-one.
My Grandmother, Muriel Katherine Barr
My Valentines Gift: A Picture of my babies.
Cassie with her niece, Chloeigh Mae
April 2, 2008
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